Category: Poetry

“For Orpheus”

A choral piece by composer William Brooks, commissioned by The Crossing as a part of “Jeff Quartets”, a concert in memory of Jeff Dinsmore. Original poem by Pierre Joris, also commissioned by The Crossing. Here...

Just Out: “Canto Diurno”!

Canto Diurno, my Selected Poems (1972-2012) in French (translations coordinated by Jean Portante) and with a foreword by Charles Bernstein, was published this month by Le Castor Astral in their “Les Passeurs d’Inuits” series. Many...

Resist much, Obey Little

“we can’t build a wall. we can only spout pure water again and again and drown his lies.”  -Eileen Myles 340 poets, 730 pages.  Coming in mid-February. For more information, go to: