Category: Poetry

June Paris Events

Two Poetry Readings & a Signing during Marché de la Poésie week Place St Sulpice Paris 6 Thursday June 8 Dans le cadre des États généraux de la poésie #01 : 2017, la visibilité...

Patrick Chamoiseau: “Le Livre Luciole”

Below, the notice I just received for Martinican poet Patrick CHAMOISEAU’s new book. Below that, my quick translation of the excerpts, with which I am in total agreement: Frères migrants,  qui le monde vivez,  qui le vivez...

Roy Fisher (1930-2017)

Startled & saddened last night, returning from  reading at Saint Mark’s Poetry project, to come across Jed Rasula’s FB-post: “I just heard that the great English poet Roy Fisher died today, not long after...