Photo of the Year
Pierre Joris' Meanderings & mawqifs of poetry, poetics, translations y mas. Travelogue too.
"Arab Spring" / Arab Culture / Photography
by Pierre Joris · Published February 11, 2012 · Last modified February 10, 2012
"Arab Spring" / Arab Culture / Maghrebi Literature / Poetry / Tunisia
by Pierre Joris · Published January 14, 2012
It was a year ago today that the Arab Spring saw its first victory when Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia following the protests that had broken out on 18 December 2010 with...
Arab Culture / Israel / Palestine
by Pierre Joris · Published January 6, 2012 · Last modified January 5, 2012
More from the sickbed — where cut-and-paste is the best I can do — this piece from an unlikely source, The Jerusalem Post: The Resurgent Mizrahi Voice 01/04/2012 18:26 By KAMOUN BEN-SHIMON Poet...
Uri Avnery writes: December 17, 2011 “With Friends Like These…” MY GOD, what a bizarre lot these Republican aspirants for the US presidency are! What a sorry bunch of ignoramuses and downright crazies. Or,...
"Arab Spring" / Arab Culture / Intellectuals / Islamic Fundamentalists / Maghreb / Politics / Tunisia
by Pierre Joris · Published October 22, 2011
Today Tunisians vote to elect an assembly charged with drafting a new constitution that may help bring the hopes of the Jasmine Revolution of last February to fruition by creating the basis for a truly...
Interesting article by Robert Fisk in The Independent this morning, on the election of Lebanese-French author Amin Maalouf to the Acedémie Française. I do remember the latter’s first book — a novelized life of the...
Ode in praise of al-Mansur al-‘Amiri, Emir of Cordoba (Mu’arada of Abu-Nawas)(Extract) O wife! Set the will of the unjustly treated free so that it may rise into the desert’s immensity and...
From the DIWAN IFRIKIYA anthology, a poet of the early glorious days of al-Andalus (given the limits of blog formatting & text width, the final layout will be slightly different to indicate the hemistiches...
Via “The Arabist“: Bahrain: A year in jail for a poem By Ursula Lindsey June 14, 2011 at 4:32 PM Share On Sunday a court in Bahrain sentenced Ayat Al Qurmazi, a 20-year-old education student, to a year...
Agitprop / Arab Culture / Censorship / Human rights / Intellectuals / Petition / Politics
by Pierre Joris · Published May 27, 2011
Transmission of the call addressed to all poets and writers in the world إحالة نداء إلى كافة الروائيين والشعراء والنقاد في العالم Check out the video before reading the text and thank you for your signatures...
Pierre Joris, born in Strasbourg, France in 1946, was raised in Luxembourg. Since age 18, he has moved between Europe, the Maghreb & the US & holds both Luxembourg & American citizenship. He has published over 80 books of poetry, essays, translations & anthologies — most recently Interglacial Narrows (Poems 1915-2021) & Always the Many, Never the One: Conversations In-between, with Florent Toniello, both from Contra Mundum Press. In 2020 his two final Paul Celan translations came out: Microliths They Are, Little Stones (Posthumous prose, from CMP) & The Collected Earlier Poetry (FSG). Forthcoming are: Paul Celan’s “Todesfuge” (Small Orange Import, 2023) & Diwan of Exiles: A Pierre Joris Reader (edited with Ariel Reznikoff, 2024). For a full list see the right column on this blog.
In 2011 Litteraria Pragensia, Charles University, Prague, published Pierre Joris: Cartographies of the In-between, edited by Peter Cockelbergh, with essays on Joris’ work by, among others, Mohammed Bennis, Charles Bernstein, Nicole Brossard, Clayton Eshleman, Allen Fisher, Christine Hume, Robert Kelly, Abdelwahab Meddeb, Jennifer Moxley, Jean Portante, Carrie Noland, Alice Notley, Marjorie Perloff & Nicole Peyrafitte (2011).
Other work includes the CD Routes, not Roots (with Munir Beken, oud; Mike Bisio, bass; Ben Chadabe, percussion; Mitch Elrod, guitar; Ta’wil Productions). With Jerome Rothenberg he edited Poems for the Millennium, vol. 1 & 2: The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry, and with Habib. Tengour Poems for the Millennium, vol. 3: The University of California Book of North African Literature.
When not on the road, he lives in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, with his wife, multimedia praticienne Nicole Peyrafitte. A volume of their collaborative work, to be called Domopoetics, will be published in the near future.
“Conversations in the Pyrenees”
“An American Suite” (Poems) —Inpatient Press
“Arabia (not so) Deserta” : Essays on Maghrebi & Mashreqi Writing & Culture
“The Agony of I.B.” — A play. Editions PHI & TNL 2016
“The Book of U / Le livre des cormorans”
“Memory Rose Into Threshold Speech: The Collected Earlier Poetry of Paul Celan”
“Paul Celan, Microliths They Are, Little Stones”
“Exile is My Trade: A Habib Tengour Reader” edited & translated by Pierre Joris
“Meditations on the Stations of Mansur al-Hallaj”
“Paul Celan: The Meridian Final Version”—Drafts—Materials
“Pierre Joris: Cartographies of the In-Between” edited by Peter Cockelbergh
“The University of California Book of North African Literature”
4×1 : Works by Tristan Tzara, Rainer Maria Rilke, Jean-Pierre Duprey and Habib Tengour
PABLO PICASSO The Burial of the Count of Orgaz & Other Poems
Poasis (Selected Poems 1986-1999)
Poems for the Millennium 1 & 2
ppppp-Poems Performances Pieces Proses Plays Poetics by Kurt Schwitters