Hyperion Mallarmé


A new issue of Hyperion, the first of a two-part issue on Mallarmé curated by guest editor Kari Hukkila, was released at the end of last year. It features new texts written expressly for this occasion, as well as the first-ever English translation of Alain Badiou’s Perroquet text from 1986, “Est-il exact que toute pensée émet un coup de dés?” Badiou reads Mallarmé’s Coup de dés as “the greatest theoretical text that exists on the conditions for thinking the event.”

 Featured essayists include: Robert Boncardo, Alain Badiou, Jean-Claude Milner, Liesl Yamaguchi, Jean-Nicolas Illouz, Jean-Francois Puff, Kuisma Korhonen, and Mary Shaw. The issue closes with Claude Mouchard’s dialogic long poems, as harrowing as they are soft-spoken. The second issue is due out in late February or early March. 

Access the issue here.

All previous issues of Hyperion are available on ISSUU.COM. Hyperion was founded by Rainer J. Hanshe and Mark Daniel Cohen and is edited by Hanshe & Erika Mihálycsa and other guest and contributing editors.

At the close of the year we also published new translations from German, Turkish, French, and Farsi:

Josef Winkler, Graveyard of Bitter Oranges, tr. by Adrian West

Ferit Edgü, Noone, tr. by Fulya Peker

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Narcissus, tr. by Daniel Boden. Afterword by Simon Critchley

Ahmad Shamlu, Born Upon the Dark Spear, tr. by Jason Mohaghegh

 Click on the links for free samples of each book. Copies can be ordered thru Indiebound, Amazon, or directly thru Contra Mundum. 

If you’ll be in New York City this month, join us at the KGB Bar on January 31 from 7:00–9:00 PM for a night of readings with Mary Ann Caws & Nancy Kline (translators, for us, of Luca and Lorand Gaspar), Genese Grill (tr. of Robert Musil), Jason Mohaghegh (tr. of Ahmad Shamlu), & other possible guests.

85 E. 4th St. (near 2nd Ave)

 Some titles forthcoming this year include:

 A series of six books by Jean-Luc Godard, tr. by Stuart Kendall

Otto Dix, Letters, Vol. 1, tr. by Mark Kanak

Pierre Senges, The Major Refutation, tr. by Jacob Siefring

Maura Del Serra, Ladder of Oaths, tr. by Dominic Siracusa

Hugo Ball, Letters, tr. by Amy Dusenbury

& more!

 Donations and subscriptions to the press are always valued and welcome. Visit here for information on how to donate and here for information on subscribing. Subscribers receive publications before they are released to the general public.


Dedicated to the value and the indispensable importance of the individual voice, to testing the boundaries of thought & experience. 


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