Boxing Day 09 Favorite Books List

& the winner (aka my favorite favorite book of the year) is:


Kenneth Irby


Collected Poems, 1962- 2006

672 pages; hardcover; gorgeous Thorpe Feidt painting on cover; designed by Jonathan Greene; $40.

North Atlantic Books


Douglas Rothschild, Theogony. subpress.

Dave Brinks, The Caveat Onus, meditations. Black Widow Press.

kari edwards, Bharat jiva. Belladodonna/Litmus.

Jerome Rothenberg, Gematria Complete. Marick Press.

Stacy Szymaszek, Hyperglossia, Litmus Press.

Robert Kelly, Fire Exit.  Black Widow Press.

Anne Waldman, Manatee/Humanity. Penguin.

Anselm Berrigan, Free Cell. City Lights.

Hoa Nguyen, Hecate Lochia. Hot Whiskey Press.

Bill Lavender, Transfixion, Garrett County & Trembling Pillow Presses.

Lambert Schlechter, La robe de nudité. Éditions des vanneaux.

Nicole Brossard, Nicole Brossard: Selections. Introduction by Jennifer Moxley. “Poets for the Millennium” series, University of California Press.

cris cheek, part: short life housing. The Gig.


Emma Bernstein & Nona Aronowitz, Girldrive. Seal Press.

Theodor W. Adorno / Paul Celan, Correspondance. Traduit de l’allemand par Christophe David & présenté par Joachim Seng. Nous, Caen.

Jed Rasula, Modernism and Poetics Inspiration: The Shadow mouth. Palgrave MacMillan.

Harald Welzer, Les Guerres du Climat: Pourquoi on tue au XXIe siècle. Gallimard, Collection essais.

Michel Deguy, La fin dans le monde. Hermann, Le Bel Aujourd’hui.

The Grand Piano: An Experiment in Collective Autobiography, Part 9. Mode A, Detroit, 2009.

Breyten Breytenbach, Intimate Stranger. archipelago books.

Pauline PeretzNEW YORK: Histoire, Promenade, Anthologie & Dictionnaire. 1300 pages, Collection “Bouquins,” Robert Laffont, Paris.

Abdelwahab Meddeb, Pari de Civilisation, Le Seuil, Paris.

Stéphane Ruspoli, Le livre “Tâwasîn” de Hallaj, Albouraq, Beirut.

Marjorie Perloff & Craig Dworkin, eds. The Sound of poetry / The Poetry of Sound, Chicago University Press.

Eliot Weinberger, Oranges & Peanuts for Sale. New Directions.


Mahmoud Darwish, A River Dies of Thirst, translated by Catherine Cobham. Archipelago Books.

Abdelwahab Meddeb, Tombeau of Ibn Arabi and White Traverses, translated by Charlotte Mandell, afterword by Jean-Luc Nancy, Fordham University Press.

Gherasim Luca, The Inventor of Love & Other Writings, translated by Julian & Laura Semilian, Introduction by Andrei Codrescu, essay by Petre Railenau, Black Widow Press.

Abdellatif Laâbi, Fragments of a Forgotten Genesis, translated by Nancy Hadfield and Gordon Hadfield. Leafe Press.

Cecilia Vicuña and Ernesto Livon-Grosman, editors, The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry. Oxford University Press.

The Whole Island: Six Decades of Cuban Poetry, ed. by Mark Weiss. University of California Press.


George Quasha and Charles Stein, An Art of Limina: Gary Hill’s Words and Writings. Ediciones Poligrafa, 20_21 Collection.




Gerry Mulligan


Damn the Caesars



Inuits dans la jungle


Rain Taxi

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1 Response

  1. January 7, 2010

    […] that as it may, it is excellent news indeed. Among my favorite books of 2009, under the translation rubric, I did include the latest book by Laâbi out here in the US:  […]

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