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5 Responses

  1. doom says:

    That was a fun night in NYC for the Fugs “last concert”. Where are the new Tulis?

  2. Tuli was one of a kind,after him there only pale imitators,a poet with a personal voice that produced 53 books of poems…wow, it is a victory for the Beats and for Tuli to publish so much in a hostile literary society.I loved him and will fallow his beacon till the end! Rest in peace Valery and Ruth Oisteanu

  3. Archambeau says:

    Very sad to hear this. I was just thinking about him, when I was blogging about Ed Sanders last month.


  4. Jeff Wright says:

    What a haunting, historic and tender looking hero in this b&w picture. It is great to honor him. See you the memorial at St. Mark’s Church on Saturday I hope.

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