Tagged: Robert Kelly

Oracles of Things Seen

Having been asked about important poetry benchmarks of 1971 by Rachel Levitsky, the first two things that popped into mind were the death of Paul Blackburn, and the publication of a book that, for...

Robert Kelly on Brooklyn (4 & final)

CITY AS PILGRIMAGE (continued…) Even before the monastery, I happened on what struck me as peculiar, in this very ordinary neighborhood of dry cleaners and groceries and funeral parlors – an actual bookstore.  The...

Serializing Robert Kelly on Brooklyn

It is just five months now that I call Brooklyn home, though given the nomadicity of teaching at Albany & traveling nearly weekly elsewhere for readings or conferences, I’ve barely had the time to...

Robert Kelly @ Zinc

Caught Robert Kelly last night reading at the Zinc Bar — but unhappily I had to miss most of Kimberley Lyons’ reading (those reworkings of Shakespearean sonnets were terrific, Kim!) as I had an...