Tagged: Pierre Joris

Paris Reading X 3

June 14th: Pierre Joris, Sylvia Mae Gorelick and Miles Joris-Peyrafitte 19h15, 14th June, Bar Long Island, 47 rue Washington, M George V. Pierre Joris’ most recent publications are his translation of The Meridian: Final Version—Draſts—Materials...

Edmond Dune Celebration

/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/    Edmond Dune, POÉSIE _/_/_/ /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Le Centre national de littérature, les Éditions PHI, les Amis d’Edmond Dune invitent __________à la présentation du 1er volume des___________ ________Oeuvres Complètes d’Edmond Dune_________ Introduction à...