Nicole Peyrafitte Live!

After the very successful premiere of her & Miles Joris-Peyrafitte’s film “Mirage” (here) Nicole Peyrafitte will (in her own words) “be switching robes on Sunday September 30, 4PM for a much anticipated gig with Michael Bisio. The beautiful Lower Manhattan 6BC Garden will provide an incredible setting to perform a new installment of Remember-Reflect-Mark, a site/theme specific series of performances that generates music, voice & markings. The first installment of R-R-M was performed on Sept 11 2011 at Erika’s Loft & published in Emergency INDEX 2011 – Ugly Duckling Presse 2011.”
Remember-Reflect-Mark w/ Michael Bisio-bass
“In Garden” series at 6BC Garden
6th str. bet Ave B & C
4PM $5