Category: Obituaries

Jacques Taroni, Ciao, l’Ami!

Just learned this morning that Jacques Taroni, the masterful “réalisateur” (producer/director) at France Culture has passed away. It came as a shock as Jacques seemed indestructible, his energy level even in his seventies way...

Stephen Kessler on Wanda Coleman

My old West Coast friend Stephen Kessler just brought my attention to his lovely poetryflash obituary for Wanda Coleman, & given that here on the East Coast there was little notice of her passing...

Juan Gelman (1930-2014)

remembering their little bones when it rains the compañeros stomp on darkness set forth from death wander the tender night I hear their voices like living faces —from Remembering Their Little Bones Just learned...

Amiri Baraka (1934-2014)

Travel Well! In 1998, for Vol. 2 of Poems for the Millennium, Jerome Rothenberg & I wrote the following commentary on Baraka’s work: COMMENTARY The force we want is of twenty million spooks storming...