Protest Against Bilal & Sanctuary Planned

A protest against The Sanctuary for Independent Media has been announced for tonight (Mon 3/10), during the exhibit opening of Iraqi-born artist Wafaa Bilal.

The demonstrators plan to convene before the 6 PM opening of the exhibit. We invite supporters of the Sanctuary to come out and peacefully show support for free speech and democracy, and to oppose the voices that prefer censorship.

Bilal’s exhibit, which was abruptly shuttered Thursday by the RPI administration, is being opened at the Sanctuary in an attempt to restore our collective freedom to see the work and Bilal’s freedom to exhibit it.

The piece is an anti-war allegory, but the public has been misled by a Times-Union article reprinting accusations by RPI Campus Republicans that the school’s arts department is harboring “terrorists.” Bilal himself is a US citizen and a noted pacifist whose work of the last several years has been dedicated almost exclusively to ending violence.

If we persecute Bilal for playing a suicide bomber in his work, by the same logic we should attack the actors who played the terrorists in Universal Pictures 2006 film, “Flight 93.”

Please come out to support Bilal and The Sanctuary for Independent Media. We need your numbers.

–Your Friends at The Sanctuary for Independent Media

PS Visit for more about Wafaa’s show and the reaction to it.

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The Sanctuary for Independent Media is a program of Media Alliance. Our postal address is PO Box 35 3361 6th Avenue Troy, New York 12181 United States

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