is pleased to announce


featuring Jean PORTANTE & Pierre JORIS

with Nicole PEYRAFITTE

A reading and performance of their work as well as work by Luxembourg poets such as

Anise Koltz, Roger Manderscheid, Edmond Dune, Nico Helminger & others.


THE ZINC BAR – 82 West 3rd Street (bet Thompson and Sullivan) – New York City

Sunday, October 31, 2010 – 6:30pm – Suggested donation: $5.00 at the door

Tel: (212) 477-9462  —  www.zincbar.com

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Born in Differdange (Luxembourg) in 1950, though presently living in Paris, Jean Portante is a writer, translator and journalist. He is the author of some thirty books including volumes of poetry, collaborations with artists, narratives, plays, essays and novels. Published in 15 countries, his work has been translated into English, Spanish, Italian, German, Slovakian, Croatian and Rumanian.  He has translated Juan Gelman, Gonzalo Rojas, Jerome Rothenberg, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Edoardo Sanguineti, John Deane, Pierre Joris & many other poets into French.  In 2003, he was awarded the Prix Mallarmé for his book L’étrange langue and the Grand prix d’automne de la Société des gens de lettres 2003 for the whole of his work. En 2005, a Selected Poems came out from Editions Le Castor Astral in Paris. Among his recent works are “La mémoire de la baleine” (Memories of a whale) and “Le travail du poumon” (The work of the lung). In 2006, he was elected member of the French “Académie Mallarmé”.

Pierre Joris is a poet, translator, essayist & anthologist who left Luxembourg at 19 and has since lived in France, England, Algeria & the United States. He has published over forty books, most recently Canto Diurno #4: The Tang Extending from the Blade, a 2010 Ahadada Books (ebook), Justifying the Margins: Essays 1990-2006 and Aljibar I & II (poems). Other recent publications include the CD Routes, not Roots and Meditations on the Stations of Mansour Al-Hallaj 1-21. Recent translations include Paul Celan: Selections, and Lightduress by Paul Celan, which received the 2005 PEN Poetry Translation Award. With Jerome Rothenberg he edited the award-winning anthologies Poems for the Millennium (volumes I & II). He teaches at the University of Albany, SUNY. Check out his website & his Nomadics blog.

Nicole Peyrafitte is a Pyrenean-born performance artist who sings, paints, films, writes, and cooks. Her eclectic heritage allows her to perform songs that range from French cabaret to jazz standards and contemporary poetry. Her voice is frequently heard integrated into multimedia stagings based on her visuals and writings. These performances usually also involve the onstage preparation and cooking of a dish that she shares with her audience. Peyrafitte’s work highlights her exploits in creating an imaginative identity between two continents & four languages. More info on her website: www.nicolepeyrafitte.com

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SUBWAY: B – D – F or M to West 4th Street/Washington Square

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