Pergamon Altar Poems

The Berlin National Museums have published five videoclips, produced in cooperation with the Schaubühne Berlin. The „Pergamon Poems” are dedicated to the grand frieze of the Pergamon altar. On that hellenistic “Gesamtkunstwerk” gigantomachia holds sway — the battle of the gods against the giants. German poet Gerhard Falkner has put into words the chaos of the dramatic scenes depicted on the frieze. Members of the Schaubühne Ensemble interpret the texts and pose the question: “…how many gigabytes in this frieze, how gigantic the archive hidden in this stone?” The clips could be seen for one week in the Pergamonmuseum as well as on

Regie: Felix von Boehm & Constantin Lieb
Kamera: Till Vielrose
Ton: Johannes Hampel
Maske: Hanna Riehm
Musik: Therese Strasser

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1 Response

  1. Poo says:

    I like it. So, who won?

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