Paris Readings
Carnet de Nuit by Philippe Sollers, an aptly named (see above) small compilation of PS’s night jottings. My favorite is the follwing one:
Il n’y a ni crise, ni défaite de la pensée, ni apocalypse des valeurs, il n’y a que la paresse: oubli de se lever tôt, de noter sa mort.
There is neither crisis, nor defeat of thought, nor apocalypse of values, there is only lazyness: forgetting to get up early, to note one’s death. (page 69)
From a certain age, one learns to strip oneself of all that is secondary or incidental in order to bind oneself to the areas of experience which apportion greater pleasure and emotion: writing, sex, and love will henceforth be the deepest and most authentic configurations of your territory: all else is a pure substitute that an elemental principle of purely selfish economy advises you to do without and which you will do without entirely: as you will see from your own example, whoever aspires to become a public figure sacrifices his most intimate truth to an image, an external profile: literary favor is a chance and subtle matter and it usually takes vengeance on those who rush in search of recognition by distancing itself and then abandoning them: from your publishing watchtower you will witness over the years numerous examples of literary and moral erosion: that process of self-advertisement by the writer who, because of unfaithfulness to the most genuine sources of being, finally loses, unawares, his pristine state of grace.
his pristine state of grace…orhan palmuk describes seclusion and privacy as the qualities which define writership…is this a classical conception now displaced by the conversational….