One busy week…
Well, indeed, that was one busy week: after picking up Habib Tengour at Newark airport early Sunday afternoon (with about an hour extra time in customs thanks to his Arab passport), we made it in good time to the Bowery Poetry project for the Poems for the Millennium volume 3 presentation & reading, with co-editors Jerome Rothenberg & Jeffrey Robinson, Bob Holman, Anne Waldmann, Cecilia Vicuña, Charles Bernstein, Nicole Peyrafitte & myself. Post which, HT & I hightailed it back up to Albany where on Monday & Tuesday, Habib & I gave a talk as dialogue on the State of Maghrebian Literature Today, a poetry reading (HT in French with me reading English translations) & a discussion on translation in my grad seminar. Wednesday morning we drove to Villanova University in Villanova, a suburb of Philly, for the Mirror Images Arab & Islamic Culture conference. Several movies, talks & one keynote (by Juan Cole) later, we headed to New York, just in time to catch Jennifer Bartlett & Ron Silliman at BPC. Sunday evening a final event for Habib’ s last day in the USA — Jerry Rothenberg reading at the Zinc Bar — before heading back to Paris on Monday. No time to give any detailed accounts of the events, but here’s a little chronological media gallery — enjoy!

JR & JR @ BPC celebrating Millennium Vol 3

HT & PJ during the Albany Reading

Reading the Translation

HT at work in Radnor Hotel

With Lebansese film-maker & actress Nadine Labaki, after the showing of her Cannes Award-winning film CARAMEL

Habib & Nadine deep in Maghreb-Mashreq discussions
to be continued….