Ram Devineni put this notice on the Buffalo Poetics list;  I’m very sorry I had to miss last night’s fiesta presentation at the Bowery Poetry Club. But I want to repeat the notice here as those videos are indeed very worthwhile watching:

Dear Friends: I am excited to announce the first travel/poetry series airing

on LINK TV. The show, ON THE ROAD WITH BOB HOLMAN follows the popular slam

poet as he discovers the roots of spoken-word while traveling the globe.

Along the way, he gets passionately immersed in the Endangered Language

crisis. Imagine Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservation,” but focused on



I produced the show with my friend, Beatriz Seigner, and it has been showing

on LINK TV and on their website.


Episode one: http://www.linktv.org/programs/on-the-road-episode-1

Episode two: http://www.linktv.org/programs/on-the-road-episode-2

Episode three: http://www.linktv.org/programs/on-the-road-episode-3


After watching the show, please add comments on LINK TV’s site.


Also, checkout the show’s site at http://rattapallax.com/blog/on_the_road/


Lastly, join Bob and me for a screening, performance and party to celebrate

the show on Feb. 29, 2012 at 7pm at the Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery

(Between Houston and Bleecker), New York City. Also, catch us at AWP

Conference in Chicago on Saturday, March 3 at 4:30pm.


Hope to see you soon!



Ram Devineni

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