On Collaboration

Very pleased that Jerome Rothenberg posted a text of mine you can check out on his blog:

Poems and Poetics: Pierre Joris: From “Double-Gazing Semes after

By Jerome Rothenberg

[What follows is the opening of Pierre Joris’s introduction to Synopticon: A Collaborative Poetics by Louis Armand & John Kinsella (Litteraria Pragensia, 2012). That my own interplay with Joris has been essential to my life as a poet goes almost without saying.  Along with him & others I have come to see collaboration, not as a threat to identity, but as part of the arsenal of poetic means that has long been at our disposal.  There is more to be said about this and the collective enterprise that it implies, but I‘m willing to take his testimony here as truly more than a beginning. (J.R.)]

Poems and Poetics

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