My 2015 Booklist

IMG_5649In no specific order & given my reading habits I can’t keep it to a clean or dirty dozen, nor to one language:

Nathaniel Mackey, Blue Fasa (NDP)

Emilio Villa, The Selected Poetry of Emilio Villa, translated by Dominic Siracusa (Contra Mundum Press)

Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary, Qu’est-ce qu’une frontière aujourd’hui?  (puf)

Emily Critchley, Out of Everywhere 2: linguistically innovative poetry by women in north america and the uk (Reality Street)

Charles Stein, There Where You Do Not Think To Be Thinking (spuyten duyvil)

Rod Smith & Jen Hofer, eds. Lyn Hejinian (Arial 10, Edge Books)

Bhanu Kapil, Ban en Banlieue (Nightboat)

Raoul Vaneigem, De la destinée (cherche midi)

Amiri Baraka, S O S: Poems 1961-2013 (ed. by Paul Vangelisti) Grove Press

Gilles Deleuze, Lettres et autres textes (Editions de Minuit)

Nathanaël, Asclepias: The Milkweeds & The Middle Notebooks (both from Nightboat)

Jackson Mac Low, The Complete Light Poems (Chax Press)

Pascal Quignard, Critique du Jugement (Galilée) 

Juan Gelman, Oxen Rage, translated by Lisa Rose Bradford (

Jerry Rothenberg, Barbaric Vast & WildA Gathering of Outside & Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present. Poems for the millennium, vol. 5 ( Black Widow Press)

Hélène Cixous, Homère est morte… (Galilée)

James Thomas, editor. Grains of Gold. An anthology of Occitan Literature. (Francis Boutle Publishers)

Clayton Eshleman, The Essential Poetry (1960-2015) (Black Widow Press)

Joseph Ceravolo, Collected Poems (Wesleyan UP)

Jean-Luc Nancy, Banalité de Heidegger (Galilée)

Rae Armantrout, Itself (Wesleyan)

David Schneider, Crowded by beauty: The Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen (University of California Press)

Anselm Kiefer, L’alchimie du livre (Bnr –  Editions du regard)

and (as I have been writing on her):

Everything (poems, radio-plays, novels, essays, fragments, librettos) by Ingeborg Bachmann (still not completely translated) — a major, major writer.

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