Don't just Carry that Torch, Read it!

This is the net at its best — as storage & publicly accessable domain for knowledge: The Austrian Academy Corpus has just put up the complete run of Karl Krauses satirical turn–of-the-previous-century magazine Die Fackel. You have to subscribe, i.e. get username & password, but that’s done quickly, easily & for free. Then you have free online access (in the original German, of course) to — in the AAC’w own words:

…the 37 volumes, 415 issues, 922 numbers, comprising more than 22.500 pages and 6 million wordforms.

The AAC-FACKEL contains a fully searchable database of the entire journal with various indexes, search tools and navigation aids in an innovative and highly functional graphic design interface, in which all pages of the original are available as digital texts and as facsimile images.

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1 Response

  1. Andrew Shields says:

    Thanks for that link; I’ve signed up for it and look forward to browsing through it!

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