Coiner of "Gonzo" Takes a Taxi

The Nomadics necrolog is sad to announce belatedly the passing (“taking a taxi” was his own euphemism) in late February of Bill Cardoso, the hip journalist who coined the term “gonzo” for his old friend, the earlier departed Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. There’s an excellent piece on Cardoso by novelist, screenwriter and fellow hipster Lucian Truscott IV here on Digby’s Hullabaloo blog. There’s also an obit in the March 5 issue of the SanFrancisco Chronicle, here. I too hope that Cardoso’s work will be republished, not only the 1984 collection The Maltese Sangweech and Other Heroes, which includes the African writing done during the months he hung out in Zaire waiting for the Ali-Foreman “Rumble in the Jungle” to happen, but possibly an enlarged collection gathering later Cardoso pieces.
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