Category: Poet

On John Keats’s 218th Birthday…

… here, what to my mind remains, besides & on a par with the poems, his greatest contribution to 20C & 21C poetics & thought,  & found in his  Letter to George and Tom Keats,...

Remembering Fouzi El-Asmar…

via The Electronic Intifada : … poet of the Palestinian liberation struggle Terri Ginsberg New York City 1 October 2013 Fouzi El-Asmar (photo courtesy of the International Council for Middle East Studies) Renowned Palestinian poet, author, journalist...

anselm’s webern poem

This morning, thinking of old friend Anselm Hollo now in hospice, I read into MAYA, that gorgeous 1970 Cape Golliard book of his, gathering poems from 1959 to 1969. Here is the one that...