A Visit to Mahmoud Darwish’s Grave

IMG_2018 copyOn a recent trip to Ramallah, we went to pay homage at Mahmood Darwish’s grave.  It is no doubt the most amazing poet’s grave (plus museum) I’ve visited — fascinating to see the existence of Palestine defined & buttressed by a poet’s tomb. Some fifty young high school girls were visiting at the same time — cheerful, chattering, awe-struck yet playful. The museum was breathtaking — from the recreation of Darwish’s writing room, to his collection of fountain-pens (we share a liking for Pelikan & Montblanc), from his coffee maker (reread the early pages of his Memory for Forgetfulness) to his compact radio (it strangely turns out I have the same one — short-wave time & space machine for travelers & exilees to access far-away countries or just the home country at night). And the final, saddest memento mori: the boarding pass for his last flight to Houston where he would die in hospital. All the while his voice spoke quietly from the corner where videos of his readings where playing. Here some of the photos Nicole & I took:




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2 Responses

  1. ghada says:

    Is there an easier way to get to Darweesh museum beside the stairs ….I want to bring my mother but can not take the stairs being old………thank you

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