Week to Come

Off today to annual wonderful poetry & friends gathering at Bernadette Mayer & Phil Good’s upstate NY Poetry BBQ & Reading. Dave Brinks is flying in from New Orleans, and boy, is he cooking!

Then, on Sunday morn early plane out to Denver to join the fourth week of Naropa’s Jack Kerouac School’s summer program.

I hope to get some postin’ done from there, but who knows? Meanwhile on 4 July, now for something completely different — here’s the draft of a translation of a poem by the Luxembourg poet Nico Helminger from his forthcoming book besuch bei den älteren werken des mondes (Visit to the older works of the moon). But: old blogger problem: every second line is indented, a formatting lost on blogger, so trying to upload it as jpeg. Be happy to hear from anyone who has solved those poetry lines formatting problems for blogposts.

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No Responses

  1. C Murray says:

    I am just returning the compliment
    of visiting your blog.
    Chris Murray

  2. Dan Wilcox says:

    I like your innovative solution to the formatting — just do a .jpg. I haven’t figured it out either, just let the words speak for themselves & let the spaces find the empty where they may
    beyond breaks.

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