
… and the longest word of the day is:


…found while reading through my daily “Heute in the Feuilletons” Perlentaucher write-up of cultural news. It  was a word in an article in today’s FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeiner Zeitung) claiming that it is an “epochale Niederlage der Kulturpolitik” i.e. an “epochal defeat of cultural politics.” The article is not available online, so there is no way of checking if the “defeat” refers to what the word refers to, or to the word itself qua linguistic teratoid. A translation would have to circumscribe the wordblob something like this: “the decision to push back the reconstruction of the city’s castle.”

On the other hand, there was pleasure in finding this 1956 Wilhelm Kempff rendition of Robert Schumann’s Kreisleriana, opus 16. Today, btw, is the composer’s 200th birthday.

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1 Response

  1. MM says:

    It looks as if the portmanteau word was created by Perlentaucher. The FAZ article is online, but it just tells the story, so the defeat refers to the decision to defer rebuilding. http://tinyurl.com/3xb6asa

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