Translate in the Catskills

Photo by Carl Heilman

Photo by Carl Heilman

Chris Durban has asked me to post the following information:

Translate in the Catskills: August 21-22/23, 2009

Join us at the Sugar Maples campus of the Catskill Mountain Foundation for a two-day seminar exclusively for translators interested in polishing their target language writing skills.

Why should you attend? Because better writing skills are essential to (re)positioning yourself at the top end of the market, building a clientele of quality-oriented customers and leaving the churn-it-out bulk market behind. Because premium clients — the ones who value your expert insights, make you part of the team and pay top rates — require outstanding writing skills. It’s as simple as that. But let’s not forget improved job satisfaction. After all, the writing side of translation is part of what made you choose this profession in the first place, right?

This intensive, advanced level workshop will be based primarily on examples from French>English and English>French translation, but the focus is on writing. Translators of other languages are very welcome.

Full information (program, speakers, etc.) is available on our website here.

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2 Responses

  1. cveds says:

    Pierre, that link doesn’t work…

  2. admin says:

    thanks for telling me. it works now.

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