The Rent plays Lacy in Toronto

Wish I could make a trip up to Toronto this month or next to catch The Rent playing Steve Lacy. For anyone in the vicinity of TO & for all those who, like Scott Thomson, consider Lacy one of the very great player/composers of the second part of the past century, here is the info, gleaned from the fony blogsite:


I’m very happy to announce a residency in September and October by The Rent, a five-piece group that I’ve assembled to play the music of a truly unique musician, American composer and saxophonist Steve Lacy. Among his many accomplishments, Lacy is renowned for his settings of texts by some very special writers; our repertoire includes songs with texts by Robert Creeley, Blaise Cendrars, Ryokan, Galway Kinnell, Lao-Tzu, Lew Welch, along with a few of Lacy’s wonderful instrumental pieces.

The Rent is:
Kyle Brenders, saxophone
Susanna Hood, voice
Wes Neal, bass
Scott Thomson, trombone
Brandon Valdivia, drums


We’ll be playing 6pm matinées — a civilized hour for listening, I think — every Sunday in September and October (starting on 7 September) at Somewhere There, 340 Dufferin Street, one block south of Queen Street with an entrance from Melbourne Avenue (see location map ). $6 if you have it. I hope to see you hear us.

be well


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