Technicians of the Sacred @ 40

At the Bowery Poetry Club, Sunday, September 14, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Jerome Rothenberg

will be hosting a celebration for

the 40th anniversary of Technicians of the Sacred

a seminal work which brought a global range of oral & tribal poetries into focus & launched ethnopoetics as a new approach to poetry & performance.

Joining him will be a group of active poets & performers including Charles Bernstein, Bob Holman, Pierre Joris, Charlie Morrow, Nicole Peyrafitte, Diane Rothenberg, Carolee Schneemann, & Cecilia Vicuña.

(Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, between Houston & Bleecker, in NYC.)

J.R. chez lui in Encenitas, CA – January 2008

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No Responses

  1. C Murray says:

    I have just delightedly logged onto
    ethnopoetics! and have printed out
    some to read at home.

    I am delighted with the site
    and hope to have more time to study
    the poems later.

    The first thing I lit upon was Luria!
    so it’s a real treat- thanks.


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