Tagged: The Meridian

Review of the Meridian

Nice review of my translation of the MERIDIAN  (Paul Celan Edited by Bernhard Böschenstein and Heino Schmull) — see clickable book below in left column — in  Journal of Austrian Studies 45:3-4 on 2/1/2013....

On Celan’s “Meridian”

A review of Paul Celan’s The Meridian just in via the British This Space blog. Below the opening paras. You can read the complete piece here. Poetry, ladies and gentleman: an expression of infinitude, an...

It’s Out!

You can get it here & here. Blurbs for Meridian: Over the last half century Paul Celan has emerged as the iconic poet of the postwar/post-Holocaust period—for some of us the greatest German-language poet...