Robert Kelly Celebratory Reading @ Bard

Robert Kelly

Celebrating 50 Years as Bard’s Bard


A reading by Robert Kelly, Asher B. Edelman Professor of Literature

and a luminous presence at Bard College since 1961


with special guests

Robin Freund-Epstein, piano


Shawn Moore ’11, violin.


Thursday, April 21st

7:00 p.m.

Olin Hall


A reception in Olin Atrium follows the reading

Free and open to the public


Also check out the following article just out in the Ulster Country Almanac!


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2 Responses

  1. Poo says:

    Enjoy. I’m sure he had great influence over a young man from the Grand Ducky De Luxe !Simply have to meet you at Bard one of these days………

  1. April 18, 2011

    […] Robert Kelly, who will be celebrating his 75th birthday and 50 years at Bard College in a Poetry Reading on April 21. The conference Logic of the World will be held on May 7 in New York City. The […]

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