Reality Street Editions 2016: Fisher & Griffiths: A Must!


In 2016 Reality Street will be publishing just two (big) titles, wrapping up two (big) projects.

Allen Fisher‘s Gravity as a consequence of shape was a large and complex poetic project begun in 1982 and completed about two decades later. Most of it has been published in one form or another – but now Reality Street will be bringing together the complete text in one volume (much as we did with Allen’s 1970s project, Place). This 500+pp book will be priced at around £18 (+p&p) when published.

We have been bringing out the Collected Poems of the late Bill Griffiths in two volumes so far. The third volume, Collected Poems Vol 3 (1992-96),  will come out next year, spanning an extremely productive five years in Bill’s life following his move to the North East. This is expected to be the final volume in the series – although it doesn’t exhaust Bill’s oeuvre, his poetry from then until his death in 2007 is well represented in current editions. Again, this is expected to be a 500+pp (approx) book costing £18.

So this is advance notice that you can subscribe as a Supporter to either or both books. Until 31 December 2015 there is a special rate of £15 for either book or £29 for the two. (After the end of this year, the rate will increase to £18/£36 respectively.)

Just head on to the Supporter page of the Reality Street website for more information and to join the list of subscribers now!

Best wishes,

Ken Edwards

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1 Response

  1. “Splendid Examples” a memoir by Rochelle Owens
    Reality Street website

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