Pélieu & Beach: "Insider"

Via Pam and Charlie Plymell, (though I am not sure who actually created this) here a flickr slideshow called Insider of late collage works by Claude Pélieu and Mary Beach:

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No Responses

  1. Larry Sawyer says:

    More re: Pelieu/Beach


  2. Ginger Killian Eades says:

    Thank you for posting the slide show “INSIDER” which I created in memory of Claude Pelieu et Mary Beach and in honor of Beach’s daughter, Pam Plymell.

    It was a pleasure to make this, as I have much respect for Pam and Charles Plymell. I hope the creative work by the late Pelieu and Beach will continue to be celebrated.


    ~Ginger Killian Eades

  3. david says:

    Thanks for putting this up! Wonderful!

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