Pamuk in New York, Jahanbegloo in Jail

For today, just a couple notings.

*** The NYRB is reprinting the speech on Freedom to Write Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk gave last month as the inaugural PEN Arthur Miller Freedom to Write Memorial Lecture. You can read it here.

*** Signandsight reports on a piece in Die Zeit, 11.05.2006:

“Since April 27, the 46 year old philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo has found himself in the notorious Evin Prison in the Iranian capital. He wanted to go to a congress in Brussels but was arrested in Tehran’s airport. What he has been charged with remains unclear. He was the first member of the opposition to have been arrested since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to power,” reports Jörg Lau and fears that “Jahanbegloo’s arrest could be the beginning of a new wave of repression against the lively Iranian scene to which he contributed in tough times with books, lectures and essays.” Here Jahanbegloo’s website with his biography and numerous articles.

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1 Response

  1. david raphael israel says:

    Thanks for the news. I see that earlier, the BBC ran a report on Ramin Jahanbegloo’s arrest here (May 3).

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