Nomadics Blog

Constitution Day

Could be worthwhile rereading that document in the americanized version HL Mencken gave of it in 1921; here are Mencken’s opening paras: WHEN things get so balled up that the people of a country...

Clairvoyant Lean-to

The above thanks to friend John Maas, whose site is worth checking every so often. Dr. Doom has a sharp eye & satirical photoshop scissors. * For a good read mousey over to Mark...

First American Poem?

Jim Behrle drew my attention to this bit of news, via a post on the Lucipo list (& as I am typing this, darn synchronicity, the PBS morning news talks about it): Mexican stone...

'Drastic' shrinkage in Arctic ice

This from BBC News just in via friend Prescott. With everything else going on, it is too easy to lose track of climate change & that impending disaster: By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC...

Thug Life

It’s 10 years ago today, on a Friday 13, that Tupac Shakur died from gun wounds received a few days earlier in Vegas after attending a Mike Tyson fight. The murder has never been...

Seyran Ates Resigns

Sad to read in signandsight that Seyran Ates, lawyer, writer, and human rights activist has stopped her activism as a lawyer in Berlin after being physically attacked. Below, the opening paras of the article;...

5 years ago

to be writtenwhen thetime comes: this moment,this secondcuts in be- tween in two,It will be the —where to breathe the or a o-pen poreriots of air that secondalways secondrift in time marks timefor breath,...

Sunday mushrooms

Today, sunday, lovely 3 hour hike on the Plotter Kill Nature Preserve, near Rotterdam, NY. Given the rains of the last couple days, and the full moon just over, the mushrroms were out en...

A beaver in Albany

Walking down — well, we were running a bit, given the accumulating clouds — to the Albany Riverside Jazz festival, we got caught in a major downpour & sought refuge in the cathedral just...

The Unavowable Community

I am happy to report that there is now a paperback edition of my translation (with a 25 page introductory “translator’s preface”) of Maurice Blanchot’s The Unavowable Community, just out from Station Hill Press....