New York Public Library Troubles

new-york-public-library-reading-roomfrom The Committee to Save the New York Public Library:

Dear friend,

Our website is now up! The Committee to Save the New York Public Library is online at

Now we need your help.  Please spread the word about our site and the threat facing the 42nd Street Library: via social media, via twitter, via linking from your blog, via plain old-fashioned word-of-mouth.  If you have friends who you think might be concerned about preserving the integrity of the 42nd Street  Library, our website is an easy way to introduce them to the issue.

We also some unfortunate, but not unexpected, news. We have received multiple reports that the historic book stacks in the 42nd Street Research Library have now been emptied. Removing the books is a prelude to the proposed demolition of the stacks later this year or early in 2014 as part of the Central Library Plan.  The removal process started many  months ago.

Construction has not yet started on the additional book storage space that has been promised under  Bryant Park. Furthermore, ReCAP, the book storage facility in central New Jersey where NYPL’s offsite books are supposed to be stored, was essentially full as of December 2012, and the new storage modules at ReCAP which are intended to hold the additional books from 42nd Street won’t be finished until mid-summer.  Several sources have reported that books from the 42nd Street stacks are being temporarily stored at a Bronx storage facility.

We are planning more leafleting at the 42nd Street Library this coming week and a possible rally the following week. We will have more information shortly!

Thank you!

The Committee to Save the NYPL


For more information on the campaign to save the 42nd Street Library, visit

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1 Response

  1. Poo says:

    It is an interesting dilemma. It may come to each city having 1 or 2 great libraries. I see that some small towns here have combined them with schools which I thought was a good idea. Lots of young people there and parents too. Might increase reading levels a tad. By the photo, its clear that usage is deplorable. Libraries around the world are faced with a generation that Twitters. Who’s got time for book? Its good that they are planning to store them for future generations to look at along with men’s ties. ‘Martha look, they put these around their neck and held those things up in front of their faces!’ Just another oddity from our time for the archeologists to dig up. I read somewhere about a plan T.O. libraries were using to increase traffic and revenues. If I come across it again I’ll be sure to pass it on. Good luck. Things change and we oldsters often have a hard time believing it. Time was, a library was the only place to do research. Google does that now. I know, libraries have items and qualities that Google does not. Try selling that to the Social Media Generation. They have a life, you know!

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