New Homad Website Launched

New Homad Site

Happy to announce that my new website  is now up & running. I call it “Homad,” as I did the old one, it being a more homey static “nomade immobile” site (with archival aims) as against this here more nomadically active blog. The old warning “Ralentir Travaux!” will remain active for awhile as I still need to bring over some of the LINKS, such as the Eric Mottram homages & such materials.

In case you wonder about the background, it is a picture I snapped (plain old iPhone) five years ago in the refuge of Father Charles de Foucauld in the Assakrem region of the Tassili high plateau in the southern Sahara, southeast of the oasis town of Tamanrassat.

Click on the pix above & you will be taken there (to the website, I mean, unhappily not to the Tassili…) Enjoy, & let me know if something doesn’t work. My thanks to Yanyi Luo, who did the work.

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1 Response

  1. Poo says:

    I know you will be much surprised to find that this old Luddite clicked and it worked. How lovely. The question now becomes, will I get back? News to follow.

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