New Beltrametti Book

load_imageFranco Beltrametti Poems

Blackberry Books has just published “From Almost Everywhere – selected poems 1965-1995” by Franco Beltrametti.
This book collects Franco’s poems as well as a color insert of paintings, an interview with James Koller, an epilogue by the editor (Stefan Hyner) and a bibliography. The book was designed by JB Bryan, 260 pages, $16.95 in paperback.
Here is a poem from the book:

If drums have fingers
Fingers have drums
Drums have dreams
and dreams have almost
Everything. If everything has
Dreams, then
What’s the news? The news are
very old,
Call the owls,
They may tell you.

Franco Beltrametti

“Franco Beltrametti’s smooth-barked Muse leads him across the grids of latitude and longitude to the source of good medicine poems. A suavity masks these elemental songs – or rather, gives these elder faces a modern “human” mask. Civilized, in the best sense.”
Gary Snyder

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1 Response

  1. Gary Lawless says:

    Thanks for spreading the word of our new Franco book!

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