Good-bye Odetta

Check out the NYT obituary. From which, these quotes:
“Rosa Parks, the woman who started the boycott of segregated buses in Montgomery, Ala., was once asked which songs meant the most to her. She replied, “All of the songs Odetta sings.””
“Bob Dylan, referring to [her first solo album, “Odetta Sings Ballads and Blues,”] said in a 1978 interview, “The first thing that turned me on to folk singing was Odetta.” He said he heard something “vital and personal,” and added, “I learned all the songs on that record.” It was her first, and the songs were “Mule Skinner,” “Jack of Diamonds,” “Water Boy,” “ ’Buked and Scorned.”
Oh, yes. So very honored and grateful to have shared the stage with her this summer.
She will be missed, and remembered well.
xo, MotherJudge