From Amtrack to the Feuilletons

Just returned via the Lake Shore Limited (Amtrack can be & often is excellent) from Chicago to New York.  So here, my way of checking some of the Kulchur news each week, namely the roundup as proposed by signandsight for the past week:

From the Feuilletons

Henryk Broder explains why being dubbed a “hate preacher” can feel like a compliment. Andrzej Stasiuk visits the bare patch of earth that was once a death camp in Belzec. Necla Kelek tugs at the Islamic veil. Die Welt applauds the young and philanthropic German playwright Nis-Momme Stockmann. The NZZ listens to the exhilarating and highly complex compositions of Conlon Nancarrow for the mechanical piano. Die Zeit skips Virgil and heads for gluttony level in ‘Inferno’.

Magazine Roundup

Das Magazin reports on the dramatic increase in the number of pupils who have threatened to gun down their classmates. The Spectator warns City bankers about gun-wielding dominatrices in Switzerland. In Sinn und Form, Marc Fumaroli remembers the man whose name shall not be mentioned: Mario Praz. In the New Humanist, Laurie Taylor remembers the holy men who sexually abused him as a child. The Guardian asks why Theo von Doesburg slipped into avant garde oblivion. And in the NYRB, Garry Kasparov asks why computer chess programmers are so uninspired?

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