** friends of poetry ** Frank Sherlock EMERGENCY FUND ** please read ASAP!******

Our good friend Frank Sherlock was rushed to the hospital January 22nd with a sudden and mysterious illness which turned out to be a serious case of meningitis. He needed emergency surgery, and also suffered a heart attack and kidney failure as a result of symptoms related to the illness.

The timing could not be worse as this attack of meningitis happened during the two month window in which Frank is without health insurance.

His friends have come together to help raise money at this critical time. We are reaching out to other friends and the poetry community on Frank’s behalf. Please consider sending donations for his hospital bills, physical therapy, as well as his very expensive medications and other needs.

If you can make a donation by check or money order at this time please send it to Frank’s longtime friend Matthew McGoldrick.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please make check or money order out to Matthew McGoldrick, and send to his address:

1504 Morris St.
Philadelphia PA 19145

We will be having a benefit show in Philadelphia in the very near future. If you would like to be notified of that event please e-mail for the details. Frank’s poetry page can be found here and he can also be found at PhillySound.

from the Friends of Frank Sherlock

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1 Response

  1. poet CAConrad says:

    Pierre, thanks so much for posting this!

    Frank is being discharged from the hospital today WITHOUT pain medication!

    It’s deplorable that we live in a nation more interested in dropping bombs on innocent people than helping its very own tax payers in their time of need.

    The next asshole lining up for president HAD BETTER start turning this madness around!

    Thanks again, Frank needs all and any support he can get right now,

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