Betweeness in French

Antre-DeuxAs I walked down rue de Mézières in the 6th arrondissement earlier this month, I stopped, surprised by a restaurant awning that seemed to quote a wordplay I had used on occasion in poems & essays over the years. So much so in fact that 2 years ago Peter Cockelbergh used the English word “the in-between” in the title of the book of essays on my work he edited: Cartographies of the In-between. The pun was of course untranslatable into English as it plays on the homonyms “entre” = “between” & “antre” = “cave, cavern.” Very pleased to see a practical commercial application of the pun (no they didn’t read my work, they came up with it by themselves) I went back for lunch the next day with Nicole & Peter Cockelbergh. The owners are a very lovely & energetic young couple, the food was excellent, & I for one will go back once in Paris again. Below, Peter studying the menu.


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2 Responses

  1. Poo says:

    Moi aussi, j’espère.

  2. Peter Cockelbergh says:

    That’s some serious studying I’m doing right there — the result of which was a wonderful meal, though!!

    Had a great time in-between!

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