Antonin Artaud. Always Again.

I forbid
all &
everybody to
think any-
thing at all
given that
while alive
where I am
I live and
forbid myself to think

In its 9 December 2006 supplement (not the weekly book supplement, which is integrated into the Friday paper, but a recent addition called Le Monde 2, which corresponds roughly to the NYT Sunday “Magazine”) Le Monde published an archival “dossier” on Antonin Artaud — with articles by the recently deceased Bertrand Poirot-Delpech and by the likes of Claire Paulhan, Philippe Sollers and Raphaël Sorin (all written in the nineties). More useful & interesting are the reproductions of a number of photos and manuscript pages — thus the above, from Cahier #390, BNF Manuscripts, NAF 27831 F. 6V, written 2 months before his death in his pavillion at the Ivry hospice, which I couldn’t resist scanning in & translating.
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3 Responses

  1. Matt says:

    Touching and defiant. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. DWx says:

    Thanks Pierre for sharing this — I love seeing the mark of the Art(aud)ist’s hand on the page.

  3. mIEKAL aND says:

    How could one forbid themself to think & write about it at the same time? Entangled within themself.

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