An Evening with Adonis

Monday, November 1, 7:00pm

Poets House

River Terrace
New York, 10282
(212) 431-7920

A Mirror for the Twentieth Century: An Evening with Adonis

Born in Syria in 1930, Adonis is one of the most revered and influential poets of the Arabic-speaking world. In honor of his 80th birthday, Adonis reads in Arabic from the new English translation (by Khaled Mattawa) of his Selected Poems with Pierre Joris and Marilyn Hacker reading the English versions. Following the reading, Lawrence Joseph will ask Adonis some questions. Adonis’ French responses will be translated by Pierre Joris, and he and Marilyn Hacker will  also join the discussion.

$10, $7 for students and seniors, free to Poets House Members

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