Pierre Joris

Canto Diurno #4: The Tang Extending from the Blade. Ahadada Books (ebook). 2010.Aljibar II (bilingual edition with French translation by Eric Sarner), Editions PHI, 2008.
Aljibar (bilingual edition with French translation by Eric Sarner), Editions PHI, 2007.
Meditations on the Stations of Mansur Al-Hallaj (1-21), Anchorite Press, 2006.
The Rothenberg Variations, (poetry) Wild Honey Press, Ireland, 2004.
Permanent Diaspora, Duration Press, 2003.
Poasis (Poems 1986-1999), Wesleyan University Press, 2001.
Out/takes, Backwoods Broadsides Chaplet #46, Ellsworth, Maine 1999.
h.j.r. Earthwind Press, Ann Arbor, MI 1999.
Winnetou Old, Meow Press, Buffalo, NY 1994
Turbulence, St. Lazaire Press, Rhinebeck, NY, 1991.
The Irritation Ditch, Parentheses Writing Series, La Jolla, CA, 1991.
Janus, St. Lazaire Press, Rhinebeck, NY, 1988.
Breccia, (Selected Poems 1972-1986), Editions Phi, Echternach, Luxembourg and Station Hill Press, Barrytown, N.Y. 1987.
Good-bye to England, Loot, Peterborough, 1987.
5 Translations from Arthur Rimbaud’s Une Saison en Enfer, (graphics), writers forum, London 1984.
Net/Work, Spanner Editions, London 1983.
The Book of Luap Nalec, Ta'wil Press, London 1982.
Tracing, Arc Press, Todmorden, 1982.
The Broken Glass, Pig Press, Durham, 1980.
Old Dog High Q, Writers Forum, London, 1979.
Body Count, Twisted Wrist, Paris 1979.
The Tassili Connection, Aloes Books, London 1978.
Tanith Flies, Ta'wil Press, London 1978.
Hearth-Work, Hatch Books, Yorkshire 1977 (published together with Allen Fisher's Fire Place as Fire Work).
Antlers I-XI, New London Pride Editions, London 1975.
A Single-Minded Bestiary, Poet & Paesant Press, London 1974.
The Fifth Season, Strange Faeces Press, London 1971.
in translation:
Fin-de-siècle Phantombild, translated into German by Nico Helminger, Editions PHI, 2003.
h.j.r. translated into French by Eric Sarner. Editions PHI, Luxembourg, 1999.
La dernière traversée de la manche, tr. by Jean-Paul Junck & Jean Portante,
G-R-A-P-H-I-T-I Editeur, Luxembourg & Québec, 1995.
Le livre de Luap Nalec, tr. by Michel Maire, Le Castor Astral, Paris 1986.
A further range of poems has been translated into French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Romanian and Chinese.
Poetry (Audio/Visual)
Routes, not Roots. Audio CD. Pierre Joris (voice & texts) with Munir Beken (oud), Michael Bisio (bass), Ben Chadabe (percussion), Mitch Elrod (guitar), Nicole Peyrafitte (voice & radio). Ta’wil Productions, 2007.
Sax, Soup, Poetry & Voice. Nicole Peyrafitte, Pierre Joris, Joe Giardullo. Video of a concert given at The Sanctuary for Independent Media, Troy NY.
Justifying the Margins, Salt Publishers (2009)
A Nomad Poetics. (Essays) (Wesleyan UP, 2003)
Towards a Nomadic Poetics, Spanner Editions, Hereford, UK, 1999. (French version, trans. by Habib Tengour, “Vers une Poétique Nomade,” Dédale # 11-12, 2001)
Global Interference, Liberation Press, London 1981.
The Book of Demons (under the pen-name Joseph W. Charles, & with Victoria Hyatt), Lorrimer Editions, London 1974. Simon & Schuster, N.Y. 1975.
Another Journey, TNT Press, London 1972.
in translation:
Pour une poétique nomade, traduit par Peter Cockelbergh, Habib Tengour et Jean Portante (forthcoming 2012) 2006.
Il Libro dei Demoni (with Victoria Hyatt), translated by Massimo Oldoni; Liguori, Napoli 1986.
Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry (2 volumes) (with Jerome Rothenberg), University of California Press, 1995, 1998.
Poésie Internationale : Anthologie (with Jean Portante), Editions Guy Binsfeld, Luxembourg 1987.
Matières d’Angleterre (Anthologie de la Nouvelle Poésie Anglaise) (with Paul Buck), In'Hui Editions, Amiens, 1984.
Anthologies including work by Pierre Joris
Poetry etc: Poems and Poets. Edited by Andrew Burke and Candice Ward. http://www.masthead.net.au/issue11/contents11.html
Selected Readings in British and American Poetry, edited by Huang Zongying. Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, 2007.
12 Auteurs luxembourgeois / 12 Autoren aus Luxembourg ed. Jean Portante, Editions Phi &  Journées Littéraires de Mondorf (Luxembourg, 1999).
Anthologie Luxembourgeoise, ed. Jean Portante, Editions Phi,/ Ecrits des Forges (Luxembourg/ Trois Rivières, Québec 1999.)
Kerouac City Blues, ed. Jacques Josse & Alain Jégou, Editions La Digitale, Quimperlé,1999.
Out of the Catskills & Just Beyond, ed. Bertha Rogers, Bright Hill Press, Treadwell, N.Y. 1997.
50: A Celebration of Sun & Moon Classics, ed. Douglas Messerli, sun&moon press, Los Angeles, 1995 (Translations of Paul Celan).
Voices of Conscience ; Poetry from Oppression, ed. H. Cronyn, R. McKane, S Watts.   (translation of Tahar Djaout), Iron Press, Manchester, G.B. 1995.
The Sun & Moon Guide to Eating Through Literature and Art, ed. Douglas Messerli, Sun & Moon Press, Los Angeles 1994.
Assemblage : New International Writing, ed. Paul Currah, University of Essex, 1989.
Arpentage de la poésie contemporaine, ed. Jacques Darras, In’hui, Amiens, 1987.
Dans la nuit de l’Europe, ed. Jacques Darras, Trois Cailloux, Amiens, 1985.
Technicians of the Sacred, ed. Jerome Rothenberg (revised edition, University of California Press, 1985). (trans. of Tristan Tzara).
Voix-off Angleterre, ed. Paul Buck & Allen Fisher, La castor astral, Paris, 1980.
A Big Jewish Book, ed. Jerome Rothenberg (Doubleday 1977) (trans. of Tristan Tzara).
Seasons of Woman, ed. Penelope Washburn, Harper & Row 1979. (trans. of Tristan Tzara.)
The Doctor Generosity Poets, ed. Charles Shahoud Hanna, Damascus Road Press, Wescosville PA, 1975.
Active Anthology, ed. George Quasha, Sumac, Fremont Michigan, 1974.
Edited Books
Paul Celan : Selections, Poets for the Millennium series, University of California Press, 2005.
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz and other Writings of Pablo Picasso (with Jerome Rothenberg), Exact Change, Boston, 2004.
pppppp : The Selected Writings of Kurt Schwitters (with Jerome Rothenberg), Temple  University Press, 1993. Re-issued by Exact Change in 2002.
Joy! Praise! A Festschrift for Jerome Rothenberg on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Ta'wil Books & Documents, Encinitas, 1991.
Critical Writings, Introductions, Essays, Reviews.< Forthcoming:
"Collage & Post-Collage" in: Papers of the First International Conference in Honor of Eric Mottram, London, 1997.
Published:“Response to Adrian Clarke re Nomadic Poetics”, in Open Letter, Toronto, 2002.
“St/range: An uncertain range,” in Aufgabe # 1, San Francisco, 2001.
"Un E pour un A" in: Arapoetica # 2, Paris, France, 2001.
"Jerome Rothenberg, homme-orchestre-dada" in Bücher/Livres, Tageblatt, Luxembourg, 20 April 2001.
"Michel Deguy, Imaginant l'Imaginable," in Bücher/Livres, Tageblatt, Luxembourg, 20 April 2001.
“Subject: Pound, Fascism, etc.” in poetics@ ed. by Joel Kuszai, Roof Books, 2000.
"Translation at the Mountain of Death: Celan and Heidegger," in Poetik der Transformation: Paul Celan — Übersetzer und übersetzt, ed. by Alfred Bodenheimer & Shimon Sandbank, Conditio Judaica #28, Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 1999.
“Nomad Century Ahead” in Boundary2, volume 26, #1: 99 poets/1999, guest-edited by Charles Bernstein. 1999
"Jerome Rothenberg" entry in: Contemporary Jewish-American Dramatists and Poets, ed. by Joel Shatzky and Michael Taub. 1999
“Community of Translation & Translation of Community in Robin Blaser” (pp208-213) in The Recovery of the Public World: Essays on Poetics in Honour of Robin Blaser, ed. Charles Watts and Edward Byrne, TalonBooks, Burnaby, Canada, 1999
“Letters and Dolls: The Cruel Syntax of Zürn and Bellmer,” in Boxkite #2, Sidney, Australia 1998.
“For A nomadic Translation,” Translation Review, 1998 (first given as paper at '97 MLA, Toronto)
"From the Notebooks: summer 1995" in Displace #1, Buffalo, NY 1997.
Review of Karen Mac Cormack's Marine Snow in SULFUR #40, 1997.
Review of Red Actions, Selected Poems 1960-1993 by Robert Kelly, in POETRY PROJECT NEWSLETTER, # 161, April/May 1996, p. 23-24 .
“The Case of the Missing M” SULFUR #34, Ypsilanti 1994.
"Robert Coover's Apoplectic Apocalypse or 'Purviews of Cunning Abstraction'," in CRITIQUE, Volume XXXIV, No.4 summer1993. (pp. 220-231)
“Bernstein’s Rough Trades,” in American Book Review, vol. 14, No.6, Feb/Mar 1993. (pp.14-15)
"Paul Celan in English, Circa 1989," in The Poetry of Paul Celan, ed. Haskell Block, Peter Lang, Inc. 1992. (pp. 61-68)
“This Yucca-Age: Contribution to a Symposium on Contemporary Poetry,” in Tyuonyi 6/7, Santa Fe 1990. (pp. 125-126)
[Review of The Politics of Poetic Form: Poetry and Public Policy, ed. by Charles Bernstein,] in The Archive Newsletter No. 45, UCSD, Spring 1990. (pp. 26-30)
"Translator's Preface," in Maurice Blanchot, The Unavowable Community, translated by Pierre Joris, Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 1988. (pp. XI- XXIX)
"Introduction", in Anthologie Poésie Internationale, eds. Pierre Joris & Jean Portante, Luxembourg: Editions Binsfeld, 1987. (pp. 7-10)
"Notes on Translating Pierre Guyotat," in The Literary Review: New Writing in French, Vol. 30, No. 3, Spring 1987, Fairleigh Dickinson University. (pp.120-128)
"Toute Ecriture est lutte avec et contre la langue," in "L'Etat des écritures au Luxembourg," d'Letzebuerger Land, 05.22.1987.
"Preface," in Pierre Joris, Breccia, Selected Poems 1972-1986, Luxembourg: Editions PHI, 1987.
"Un choix de glotte," in Impressions du sud #13, Aix-en-Provence, 1986.
"Sam Shepard, écrivain," in Sam Shepard, Motel Chronicles, Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1985.
"Préface," in Matières d'Angleterre, Anthologie bilingue de la Nouvelle Poésie Anglaise, (with Paul Buck, Amiens: In'Hui, 1984.
[Review of Robert Bly, Selected Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke ], in Sulfur #3, ed. Clayton Eshleman, 1982, Los Angeles.
"The Disappearing I," (review of La Fin de l'Homme by Mathieu Bénézet) in The Literary Review, no. 32, 1 to 14 January 1981 (Edinburgh).
"Reinventing Love," (reviews of books by Robert Creeley, Paul Blackburn, Jeff Nuttall, Christopher Middleton) in New Statesman, 21 November 1980, London.
"The Freudians Slip," (discussion of Lacan's Ecole Freudienne de Paris) in New Statesman, 16 May 1980, London.
"Debray Chez Lui," (review of Régis Debray's L'Espérance au Purgatoire ) in New Statesman, 24 October 1980, London.
"The Rights of the Living," (article on small presses in Great Britain) in New Statesman, 8 February 1980, London.
"Jack Kerouac, poète," preface to my translation of Jack Kerouac, Mexico City Blues, Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1977.
"Prize Fights," (review of new French books) in New Statesman, 7 December 1979, London.
"Re Quash'a Somapoetics," in Poetry Information 14, autumn/winter 75/76, London.
"A Primer for the Gradual Understanding of Robert Kelly," in: Vort Robert Kelly Issue, Bloomington Indiana, 1975.
Into English
The Meridian: Final Version — Drafts — Materials, by Paul Celan. Stanford University Press, 2011.Hydrogen Jukebox by Allen Ginsberg. (Libretto for 2009 French premiere of Phil Glass’ opera Hydrogen Jukebox), 2008.
Lightduress by Paul Celan, Green Integer, Los Angeles, 2004.
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz and other Writings of Pablo Picasso (with Jerome Rothenberg), Exact Change, Boston, 2004.
The Malady of Islam by Abdelwahab Meddeb, (with Anne Reid) Basic Books, New York, 2003.
4X1: Works by Rainer Maria Rilke, Tristan Tzara, Jean-Pierre Duprey & Habib Tengour translated by Pierre Joris, Inconundrum Press, 2002.
Crystals to Aden by Michel Bulteau, Duration Press, 2000
Threadsuns by Paul Celan, Sun & Moon Press, Los Angeles 2000.
The Sandals of Empedokles by Habib Tengour, Duration Press, Sausalito 1999.
Breathturn by Paul Celan, Sun & Moon Press, Los Angeles 1995.
from "Alphabet" by Inger Christensen, In SULFUR #36, spring 1995.
"Testament" by Rainer Maria Rilke, in SULFUR 30, Ypsilanti, 1992.
Unica Zürn: “Nine Anagrammatic Poems & a Note on their Translation,” in Sulfur #29, Ypsilanti, 1991.
“Postface to Hexentexte,” by Hans Bellmer, in SULFUR 29, Ypsilanti, 1991.
From the Desert to the Book, Interviews with Edmond Jabès, Station Hill Press, Barrytown, N.Y., spring 1989.
The Unavowable Community by Maurice Blanchot, Station Hill Press, Barrytown, 1988.
"Tales of Samora Machel" (extracts) by Pierre Guyotat, in Paris Exiles 2, Paris 1985. (Reissued in The Literary Review, Fairleigh Dickinson University , N.J.,1987).
"Paradis 2" (extracts) by Philippe Sollers, in Paris Exiles 3/4, Paris 1987. (Reissued in The Literary Review, N.J., 1987.)
“At rush-hour” by Michel Deguy in The Literary Review, N.J., 1987.
in French Poets of Today, texts by Olivier Kaeppelin, Leslie Kaplan, Yves Martin, Serge Sautreau, André Velter & Franck Venaille (Guernica Editions, Montréal, Canada, 1987).
“A Retelling of the Story of the Renart & the She Wolf,” (from the medieval French Roman du Renart ), in Wch Way 5/New Wilderness Letter 12, New York 1984.
“Hölderlin’s Fragments” (a performance text), unpublished.
Swing by Gaston Criel, Editions Vrac, Paris 1983.
The Mou'allaqa of Tarafa (Pre-islamic Arabic poetry), in Montagna Rossa, Switzerland,1980.
Negro Poems by Tristan Tzara, in Alcheringa, Boston 1976.
Temporal Flight by Jean-Pierre Duprey, Earthgrip Press, London 1976.
Also texts & poems (from French ) by Stéphane Mallarmé, Antonin Artaud, René Char, Guillevic, Henri Michaux, Roger Gilbert-Lecomte, René Daumal, Jacques Roubaud, Michel Bulteau, Matthieu Messagier, Habib Tengour, Abdellatif Laâbi, Mohammed Khair-Edddine, Tahar Djaout and Michel Maire; (from German) by R.M. Rilke, Gottfried Benn, Karl Krolow, Gert Jonke, and Peter-Paul Zahl; (from Spanish ) by Lorca and Neruda; as well as texts by Giordano Bruno and Imrû'l-Qays.
Into French
“L’invasion” de Robert Kelly, in Dédale 9/10, ed. Abdelwahab Meddeb, Paris 1999.
“Instructions” de Kenneth Irby, in Dédale 9/10, ed. Abdelwahab Meddeb, Paris 1999.
“Journal de Jerusalem,” de Herman Melville, in Dédale 3/4, ed. A. Meddeb, Paris 1996.
"Salamanca: Une Prophétie" de Jerome Rothenberg, in Dédale 3/4, ed. A. Meddeb, Paris 1996.
"Matière de Lecture / Espace Visible," de George Quasha et Charles Stein (with Nicole Peyrafitte) in Gary Hill Catalogue, Galerie des Archives, Paris 1996.
Horse’s Neck de Pete Townsend, ibid., 1986.
Lune Faucon de Sam Shepard, ibid.1985. (10/18 paperback 1987).
Motel Chronicles de Sam Shepard, Collection SIXPACK, Christian Bourgois, 1985. (10/18 paperback 1987).
Torsions de Clayton Eshleman (with Michel Maire). (excerpts published in Jungle, Po&sie, In'hui).
in Matières d’angleterre (In'hui, Amiens 1984): Asa Benveniste, Paul Brown, Brian Catling, Tom A. Clark, Allen Fisher, Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Bill Griffith, Ralph Hawkins, Anselm Hollo, John James, Richard Miller, Eric Mottram, Wendy Mulford, Jeff Nuttall, Tom Pickard, Tom Raworth, William Sherman, Colin Simms, Iain Sinclair, Ken Smith and Gael Turnbull.
in: Voix off / Angleterre (Castor Astral, Paris 1980): Allen Fisher, Eric Mottram and Bill Griffith.
Sentiments élégiaques américains de Gregory Corso, Christian Bourgois, 1977 (reprinted 1995).
Mexico City Blues de Jack Kerouac (2 volumes), Christian Bourgois Editeur, 1977; 10/18 paperback edition 1978 (reprinted in one vol. edition,1994).
Chants de la révolution de Julian Beck, 10/18, Paris 1975.
Contretemps à temps de Carl Solomon, Christian Bourgois Editeur, Paris, 1974.
Also texts & poems by Paul Blackburn, Charles Olson, Allen Ginsberg, Armand Schwerner, Thomas Meyer, Ted Berrigan, Edward Dorn, Robert Duncan & others.
Conferences & Readings
Selected Recent (1995-2005) Conferences
“Irby’s Very Own North Atlantic Turbine,” Conference for the “Eberhardt colloqium in Honor of the Writing of Kenneth Irby on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday,” University of Kansas, Lawrence, KA. 5 November 2011.
“With Paul Celan into the 21st Century,” with audio-visual presentations by Nicole Peyrafitte; Woodberry Poetry Room, Harvard University, 15 November 2011.
“The Making of Diwan Ifrikiya, or How to Put 2500 years of Maghrebian Literature into One Book.” Conference for the Moroccan Studies Forum 2011-2012, Harvard University, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Program in Moroccan Studies. 17 November 2011.
“Jerome Rothenberg, el poeta norteamericano.” Festival International, Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. September 10, 2011.
“Tradition and Modernity: on Maghrebian Poetry,” Bridging Cultures Conference, Poets House, New York. May 10, 2011.
“For Robert Kelly @ 75,” Robert Kelly Celebration, Film Anthology Archives, New York, 10 May, 2011.
“Introducing Mohammed Bennis, Moroccan Poet” Poets House, New York, 29 april 2011.
“The Poetry of Pablo Picasso,” Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, June 2010; Luchon France, July 2011.
“Art, politique, éducation,” Université Poitiers/Angoulême, France, Nov. 2009.
“4th Biennial &Now Festival of Innovative Writing & the Literary Arts,” Buffalo, NY. 2009.
Festival Voix de la Méditerranée, Lodève, France, July 2009.
Translation Symposium, Goethe Institute, Chicago, June 2009.
Agorapoetics: Poetry after Postmodernism II, Stony Brook University, NY, March 2009.
Arab & Islamic Studies Conference, Villanova University, PA, March 2009.
Lecture on Poetry & Translation, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, February 2009.
Kosmopolis Literature Festival, Barcelona, Spain. October 2008.
Symposium on Translation, University of Georgia, Athens. October 2008.
Estivada: Annual Occitan Culture Festival, Rodez, France. July 2008.
“Marché de la Poésie,” Paris, June 2008.
Translation Symposium, Oberlin College, Ohio. April 2008.
Tangiers International Book Fair, April 2008.
Illisibility of Poetry Conference, Point Loma U., San Diego. February 2008.
Montréal Writers’ Conference (“L’Aveu”), Montréal, April 2007.
Conference on Border Literatures, University of Tamanrasset, Algeria. April 2007.
Chronopolitics Conference, University at Albany, March 2007.
Congress 2006, York University, Toronto Canada. May 2006.
OlsonNow, St. Marks Poetry project, December 2005.
"Collage as Cultural Practice" March 24-26, 2005, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
DIASPORIC AVANT-GARDES: experimental poetics and cultural displacement. University of California, Irvine. November 19-20, 2004.
3rd International Berlin Literaturfest, September 2003, Berlin.
AWP (Associated Writing Programs) Annual Conference, Baltimore MD, April 2003.
Festival of Literary Magazines, New York Public Library/French Consulate, Oct 4-6 2002; Los Angeles, April 2003.
AWP (Associated Writing Programs) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2002.
Boston Poetry Marathon, Boston, MA, July 2001
Festival de Rabat, Rabat, Morocco, June 2001
“Les Journées de Mondorf,” Mondorf, Luxembourg, April 2001.
« Festival Franco-Arabe de poésie », Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, March/April 2001.
“Celebrating Paul Celan,” University of London, November 2000.
“Book/Ends: Transformations of the Book & Redefinitions of the Humanities,” The University at Albany, October 2000.
DAC2000 (Digital Arts Conference 2000), Bergen, Norway.
“Journées Luxembourg 2000” Montréal / Québec / Trois-Rivières, April 2000.
“Eye, Ear & Mind : A Conference on the Poetry of Ronald Johnson,” SUNY Buffalo, March 2000.
"15ième Festival International de Poésie," October 1-10 1999, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada.
« Les Journèes de Mondorf » Luxembourg, April 1999.
MLA 1997, Toronto, CA:
— "Letters and Dolls: The Cruel Syntax of Unica Zürn &Hans Bellmer Bellmer"
— "Towards a Nomadic Concept in Translation"
"Luxembourg Writers & Translation," October 1997, Luxembourg.
"First Conference in Honor of Eric Mottram," September 1997, London, England.
"Le Maghreb à la croisée des cultures," du 15 au 21 juin 1997, Hammamet, Tunisia.
The Poetry Project's 1996 Symposium: On Content, panel on "Future Tense: Technology, Consciousness & The Future of Poetry." New York, NY (May 2-4)
1996 IAPL (International Association of Philosophy & Literature) Conference, George Mason University (Fairfax, VI) May 7-11, 1996. Organizer & moderator of the panel: "The Echo of the Original: Translation as Arena for the Drama of Culture."
“Assembling Alternatives: An International poetry Conference” (U of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, Aug 29-Sept.2, 1996) Paper ("Eric Mottram & The British Poetry renascimento of the 60s & 70s.") & poetry performance.
Ingeborg Bachmann: An Anniversary Symposium (SUNY-Binghamton, Oct. 25-26 1996). Paper on "Ingeborg Bachman and Paul Celan."
Third International Conference on Translation: Centering Marginality (Barnard, New York, Nov. 15-16 1996) Paper on "After Pound & Mallarmé: The Maghreb." and poetry reading.
"Past, Present, Future Tense: A Conference on Contemporary Poetry," Cornell University March 31-April 2, 1995.
"The Recovery of the Public World (A conference and poetry festival in honor of Robin Blaser, his poetry and poetics)" June 1-4 1995, Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design, Granville Island, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
"Festival International de Poésie," October 2-8 1995, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada.
"Colloque Paul Celan," November 22-28, 1995, Maison des Ecrivains, Paris, France.
MLA CHICAGO (December 1995) with Jerome Rothenberg on panel organized by the Comparative Literature Association re Poems for the Millennium.
Other Selected Conferences & Poetry Gatherings
Les Journées de Mondorf (Luxembourg 1972)The First Cambridge Poetry Festival (England)
The Anglo-French Translation Conference(London 1977)
The Colloque de Tanger 2 (Paris)
The One World Poetry Festival (Amsterdam 1979)
7ième Festival Franco-Anglais de Poésie (Paris 1984)
Les Ecritures Transatlantiques (Aix-en-Provence 1986)
Polyphonix (Paris 1987)
Premier Festival International de Poésie (Paris 1987)
Writing in a Plurilingual Society (A Colloquium at Carleton University, Ottawa, 1988)
Poetic Thought and Translation (Wake Forest University, North Carolina, 1988)
The American Literary Translators' Association's Conference (New York City, 1988)
The Poetry Of Paul Celan (Conference at SUNY-Binghamton, October 1988)
The Telluride Ethnopoetics Conference (Telluride, Colorado, Sept. 1989)
MLA Conferences 1989, 1990 & 1995
ALA Conferences 1990 & 1991 (San Diego)
Le Festival de Tarascon, (Tarascon, France, summer 1991)
"Honoring Edmond Jabès," at Small Press Distribution (Berkeley, October 1991)
Les Journées de Mondorf (Luxembourg 1995)
Recent Poetry Readings
St. Marks Poetry project, New York.American Academy in Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France.
The Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
Institut du monde Arabe, Paris, France.
University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
San Francisco University, San Francisco, CA.
AWP Fringe Festival, New Orleans, LA
Caius & Gonville College, Cambridge University, UK
Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China
McGill University, Montréal
UCSD San Diego,
Porter Troupe Gallery, San Diego
UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Université de Sherbrooke, Montréal
UPenn Writers' House, Philadelphia
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Subvoicive Reading Series, London, UK
Maison de la Poésie, Mersch, Luxembourg
Centre Culturel International, Hammamet, Tunisia
Centre Culturel, Luchon, France
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Librairie Village Voice, Paris, France
Musée des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie, Paris France
Borders Bookshop, Albany, NY
Beyond Baroque Art Center, Venice, CA
Special Collections Library, UCSD, San Diego, CA
The Bookshop, Washington D.C
Barnard College, NYC
The University of New Hampshire, Durham.
The University at Buffalo, N.Y.
Performance Work
SumericaBachbones, multimedia performance in collaboration with Nicole Peyrafitte, including texts by Iraqi poet Saadi Youssef and by Giorgio Agamben; performed during 2003 at SUNY Buffalo; Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI; The Naropa Institute, Boulder, Co; and in Asustin, TX.
Quodlibet, multimedia performance in collaboration with Nicole Peyrafitte & Holland Hopson ; keynote performance at Digital Arts Conference 2000 (Bergen, Norway, August 2000).
déPLACEments, performance multi-média en collaboration avec Nicole Peyrafitte, première à la Porter Troupe Gallery, San Diego et à UCSD, La Jolla (avril 2000); from 27 June to 2 July 2000 nightly at « la cave poésie » (Toulouse, France).
ManifestO&A avec Nicole Peyrafitte (premiered in Luxembourg, 1998 ; has since been performed in Albany & NYC)
Riding The Lines, performance work in collaboration with Nicole Peyrafitte. European Tour summer 1997; New York City performance at the Here Inn, Dec 1997. Albany, NY performances 1998 & 1999.
Pierre's Words (Toward an Opera), in collaboration with composer Joel Chadabe & the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company. Premiere May 3rd, 1997, The Egg, Albany.
This Morning (part of Music Juggle) a multimedia collaboration with composer Xavier Chabot. Premiered at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY February 5, 1997. Chabot presentd this work in Japan in late 1997.
Frozen Shadows, a dance & reading performance based on Winnetou Old, choreographed by Ellen Sinopoli & danced by the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company: Union College, Schenectady, NY (January 21, 1996) "The Egg," Albany, NY, (April 12 & 13, 1995)
Selected Recent (Since 1995)
Altars of Light, a symphonic composition for orchestra and choirs, by Camille Kerger, texts by Pierre Joris, Anise Koltz & Yves Bonnefoie. Premiered in November 2000 with concerts in Metz (France), Saarbrucken (Germany), & Luxembourg (Luxembourg).
Radio Interview (by Douglas Glover) on the "Book Show" WAMC-FM, etc, December 12, 1996.
"In Memoriam Reducere Studemus," for Choir & Four Soloists by William Brooks on texts of Pierre Joris and Notker Balbulus, commissioned by the West Chester University Concert Choir (Donald Nally, Director) to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Anton Webern. (World Premiere, 27 April 1996, then 7 concerts at Princeton, New York, Washington D.C., etcetera). A second series of performances took place in April 1997 in Philadelphia.
Selected Previous:
ENGLISH SUBTITLES for the feature films Pano Ne Passera Pas by Ody Roos (1968) and Touki Bouki by Djibril Diop Mambety (1987).
Scènes d’une execution, de Howard Barker, translated & adapted for broadcasting by Radio France Culture, 1986.
The Entropy Caper, a sci/fi radioplay produced by West Deutscher Rundfunk, Cologne & broadcast by WDR & Radio Freies Berlin, 1973.
POETRY, PROSE, ESSAYS & REVIEWS in over 100 magazines, journals & newspapers in Europe & the US, including Aufgabe,The Lampeter Muse, Poetry Review (Eric Mottram), Chicago, Truck, Tree, Second Aeon, Telephone, The Luxembourg Review, New Statesman, Actuel, Fool's House, Text, Wch Way, 9th Decade, Atlantic Review, Tamarisk, Sealegs, Acts, Moving Letters, Paper Air, In'hui, Po&Sie, L'Ennemi, L'Autre Journal, Jungle, Temblor, Talus, Branch Redd, Notus, Carleton Literary Review, Cahiers Luxembourgeois, Terra del Fuoco (Naples, Italy), Hodos, Hambone, Sulfur, Capilano Review, Apex of the M, etc.
Selected Essays On & Reviews Of Pierre Joris' Work
Special Issues / Features
Samizdat, ed. Robert Archambeau, special issue on Pierre Joris & Jerome Rothenberg. February 2001.
in :Corina Mersch, Un miroir aux alouettes: Petit dictionnaire de la pensée nomade, Essais PHI 2000.
Michel Deguy : « Préface, » in La Dernière Traversée de la Manche, Editions PHI, 1995.
Robert Kelly : « L’Intérité de Pierre Joris, » in d’Letzeburger Land, Nr. 13 /28 march 1986.
Oasis #18: Pierre Joris (London 1978).
Eric Mottram:”Antlers” ,
Clayton Eshleman, “A Luxembourg Creature”
Robert Kelly, “sections from ORGANON”
Reviews of Poasis. have appeared (among other places) in:
Publisher’s Weekly
Skanky Possum
Rain Taxi
Reviews of h.j.r. have appeared (among other places) in:
Raintaxi (2000)
Bücher du Tageblatt, January 2000
Reviews of Poems for the Millennium have appeared in, among others:
Post Modern Culture, issue.5 99/9.3
McGill Book Review (1996)
Harvard Review #11 (Fall 1996)
Publishers Weekly (September 25, 1995)
Library Journal (October 1, 1995)
San Diego Magazine (11/17/95)
"Millennial Fever," by Eric Murphy Selinger, The Providence Phoenix , Providence, RI (January 5, 1996)
Lahonton Valley (1/6/96)
The Reader's review (1/3/96)
Oakland Tribune (2/5/96)
Bloomsbury Review (Mar/April 1996)
Chicago Review Vol. 42, #1 (March '96)
The Boston Book Review (April/May 1996)
St. Marks Poetry Project Newsletter (spring 1996)
"A Millennial Poetics" by Kenneth Sherwood in Postmodern Culture v.6.n.3 (May 1996)
Reviews of Threadsuns have appeared in, among others:
Publishers WeeklyThe New Republic
The New York Times Book Review
Reviews of Breathturn have appeared in, among others:
Library Journal (Sept. 1 1995)Memphis Sunday Paper (November 5, 1995)
Translation Review (November 1995)
Choice Vol. 33, No.4 (December 1995)
San Francisco review of Books (March/April 1996)
Reformed Judaism (spring 1996)
The London Book Review (May 23 1996)
Sulfur # 37
Modern Austrian Literature Vol. 29 N.2 1996.
Reviews of La Dernière Traversée de La Manche (published in April 1995) have appeared in, among others:
Les Cahiers Luxembourgeois (1995, #2, Luxembourg)Le Mensuel littéraire et Politique # 233 (Québec, n.d.)
Sacriphages # 25 (Belgium, Automne 1995)
Review of pppppp by Kurt Schwitters have appeared in, among others:
M/E/A/N/I/N/G Contemporary Art Issues #5, 1992 (reviewer: Charles Bernstein)
Selected Interviews.
“Nomad Ash: Dale Smith interviews Pierre Joris.” Rain Taxi winter 2004.
“Interview” by Don Byrd, Zamizdat, 2001.
“Imago Mundi: Interview with Pierre Joris,” by Karl Jirgens, Rampike, Toronto 1988. (pp. 15-17)
“Entre les Langues, entre les Mondes,” Propos recueillis par Georges Hausemer, d’Lertzeburger Land, Nr. 13 / 28. Mars 1986.
“Getting from three to four,” Pierre Joris in conversation with Allen Fisher, Oasis #18, London 1977.
Professional Affiliations
FOUNDING MEMBER of the LSV (Lëtzebuerger Schrëftstellerverband) the Luxembourg Writer's Union (since 1986).CO-FOUNDER & ORGANIZER (with Jean Portante) of the Festival International de Poésie in Luxembourg (the first festival took place in May 1987).
BOARD MEMBER of the Hudson Valley Writers' Guild, Albany NY. (1992-1994)
MEMBER of IAPL (since 1996)
MEMBER OF MLA (since 1987)
MEMBER OF PEN (NY Chapter) since 1993.
Awards & Grants
2005 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation (Paul Celan: Lightduress)
2003 Berlin Prize Fellowship, The American Academy in Berlin.
1999 NEA Translation grant.
1996 PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award for Excellence in Literature (with Jerome Rothenberg).
1994 PEN Center USA West Award for Translation (with Jerome Rothenberg).
Faculty Research Award Program grant, SUNY-Albany 1993 & 1997.
Fonds Culturel National (Ministry of Culture, Luxembourg) writer's grant, 1987.
Centre National des Lettres (France) translator's grant, 1983.
The 1975 Fel's Literary Award (via CCLM) to the editors of SIXPACK.
CCLM grant to SIXPACK magazine, 1975.
SERIES EDITOR (with Jerome Rothenberg) of the series "Poets for the Millennium" (University of California Press. Starting in 2003 this series will publish 2 monographs annually. The first 6 volumes are: André Breton by Mark Polizzotti; Maria Sabina by Jerome Rothenberg; Paul Celan by Pierre Joris; José Lezama Lima by Ernesto Livon-Grosman; Gertrude Stein by Joan Retallack; Aimé Césaire by A. James Arnold.
CORRESPONDENT for “Po&sie”, Paris (edited by Michel Deguy) since 1986; for “Dédale,” Paris (edited by Abdelwahab Meddeb) since 1995; for “Arapoetica,” Paris (edited by Abdul Kader El Janabi) since 1999.
US CORRESPONDENT for Social & Cultural Affairs, FM 100.7 Radio Socio-Culturelle, Luxembourg. 1993-1995.
DIRECTEUR DE COLLECTION: 1985-1995 edited, under the "Collection Sixpack" imprint, a series of contemporary American & English authors for Christian Bourgois Editeur, Paris.
LITERARY JOURNALISM: Reviews & articles for many magazines, newspapers & other media (both in French & English), among others:
THE NEW STATESMAN, London: from 1979 to 1981 an occasional LETTER FROM PARIS and book reviews.
AL-ZAHAF AL-AKHDAR, London: 1981-1982, editor & feature writer for this political & cultural Third World Weekly.
FRANCE CULTURE, Paris: since 1983, free-lance producer & author on Radio France's cultural station (Reviews, editorials, panel-discussions, documentaries, etcetera).
POETRY EDITOR, Paris Exiles magazine, Paris, 1985-1986.
EDITOR & PUBLISHER, Ta'wil Press (poetry pamphlets & chapbooks), since 1977.
FOUNDER & CO-EDITOR, "SIXPACK" (A magazine of contemporary literature) with William Prescott, London & New York, 1972-1977.
EDITOR, "Corpus" ("A Radical Newspaper of the Arts") New York, 1969-1970.
EDITOR, "The Clown" (poetry magazine), Bard College, 1967-1969.