The Heine Prize, one last time

That excellent newsdigest service, signandsight, has compiled a most useful overview of the press’ reactions on the Peter Handke affair re the Heine Prize. I’ve brought it up several times on this blog already, but this is the final installement. You can read the English-language summary with pointers to the original German and other language sources highlighted, here. Signandsight starts the article by explaining what the Heine prize is:

The Heinrich Heine Prize of the City of Düsseldorf (not to be confused with the Heinrich Heine Prize of the GDR, which was awarded every year from 1950 – 1990), is given out every two years and includes 50,000 euros in prize money. It is awarded to personalities whose literary works promote human rights and social and political progress, and foster understanding and solidarity between peoples. In late May, Austrian author Peter Handke was informed he had been selected as winner of this year’s prize. A controversy then flared up over Handke’s public support for Slobodan Milosevic, and shortly thereafter the prize was revoked. We’ve compiled below a series of voices from the German-language press.

The list of Heine prize recipients, according to the Wikipedia is as follows:


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