The Great Meltdown on View in Chelsea

The pleasure of yesterday’s Thursday Evening Art Opening walk-about in Chelsea was Nora Ligorano & Marshall Reese’s show at the Jim Kempner Fine Arts Gallery. I’ve admired their melting word ice sculptures since I first saw them, & was much taken by the superb prints (& video) documenting these events. The show will be up until 15 October, so don’t miss it! The Jim Kempner Gallery  is situated at 501 23rd Street in Manhattan. Here’s a repro of my favorite print:

 Last night’s opening was well attended, to say the least. Among the visitors someone who upholds Democracy on radio right Now, but wanted, I guess, to check out what was melting down. And, as we know, All that is Solid Melts into Air… Which explains the meltdown of the Middle Class, visible above, but Democracy itself, was that ever that solid…? And, weirdly or not so weirdly, as I type this on Friday morning, the news on the radio is all about the melting ice caps of the Arctic …

Nora Ligorano, Amy Goodman, Marshall Reese (Photo by Nicole Peyrafitte)

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1 Response

  1. Poo says:

    Cheer up and think Antarctica where satellites show it to be gaining ice overall. It has also been getting colder, not warmer, over the last half century.
    Several times over the last century, particularly 1903-1906, the Arctic Ocean was actually navigable. Then as now it was not easy but it was doable.
    While Arctic sea ice extent underwent a strong decline from 1979 to 2009, Antarctic sea ice underwent a slight increase. (Info provided by National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder.)
    No doubt, the situation will reverse over the next 50 years. Me, I’m more concerned about the next Ice Age. Where I live they believed we were headed for it in the 70s. I remember that. The snow drifts were always over my head and work and schools closed often. Many scientists then thought global cooling was on the way. I am reading that again.
    Did I mention Ontario is having an election? Oddly, the issues seem quite like your Presidential ones. The good news being our ‘Green’ jobs only cost $117,000 each compared to $5,000,000 per in the U.S. I like being old. I get the impression I’m not going to miss much. Except your Blog and, of course, Nicole’s. Hers smells better too!

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