The Double Change Archives

As a * Bonne Année! * Happy New Year! * gift we now have access to the on-line 2007-2010 Double Change archives. What a trove! Here is their announcement — this is but a pix, to go there, click here:

Depuis 2004, Double Change enregistre ses lectures bilingues de poésie. Pour les 10 ans du collectif, Double Change a le plaisir d’annoncer la parution en ligne de ses archives 2007-2010 qui donnent à entendre et à voir une soixantaine de poètes français et américains lisant.


Alice Notley, Bernard Collin, Eleni Sikelianos, Laird Hunt, Elena Rivera, Vanessa Place, Claude Closky, Jena Osman, Rob Halpern, Caroline Bergvall, Anne Portugal, Jérôme Game, Christophe Marchand-Kiss, Susan Howe, Carla Harryman, Barrett Watten, Guy Lelong, Suzanne Doppelt, Peter Gizzi, Kenneth Goldsmith, J. H. Prynne, Pierre Alferi, Stephen Rodefer, Eric Suchère, Rosmarie Waldrop, Bénédicte Vilgrain, Frédéric Forte, Juliana Spahr, Francis Cohen, Anne Parian, Charles Bernstein, Emmanuelle Pireyre, Chris Edgar, David Antin, Lyn Hejinian, Dominique Fourcade, Ron Padgett, Bernard Noël, Elizabeth Willis, Pascal Poyet, Michael Heller, Christophe Lamiot Enos, Marie-Louise Chapelle, Michael Davidson, Jean-Marie Gleize, Stephen Ratcliffe, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Stacy Doris, Sabine Macher, Charles Alexander, Jean-Patrice Courtois, Pierre Joris, Andrew Zawacki, Eugene Ostashevsky, Sébastien Smirou, Jen Bervin, Jérôme Mauche, Anna Moschovakis.

Les archives filmées des années 2004-2006 sont disponibles auprès des Presses du réel, ici et ici.

* * *

Double Change began a film archive of readings in Paris in 2004.
As we celebrate our ten years as a reading series and online journal, we are pleased to announce the publication of the film and audio archives of some sixty French and American poets who read for Double Change between 2007 and 2010.

These archives are now available here as personal resources as well as for teaching purposes.

A double-box set of the film archives from the first three years of filming, 2004 through 2006, are available at the Presses du Réel, here and here. (Orders can be placed online. Free shipping worldwide over 69 €.)

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1 Response

  1. January 7, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Afilreis. Afilreis said: Double Change archive: […]

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