Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani's Plight

Although the stoning to death of  Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has temporarily been halted, it may happen any time, given the Iranian islamo-fascoid “political” system. In May 2006, Sakineh Ashtiani was convicted of having had an “illicit relationship” with two men. Human rights lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei, however, said that her confession was coerced — an arrest warrant is now out for Mostafaei. Ashtiani only confessed after suffering 99 lashes. And though Ashtiani has since retracted her confession, Iran’s supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007. She was convicted on the basis of the “knowledge of the judge”, a provision in Iranian law that allows judges to make their own determination regarding guilt even in the absence of clear or conclusive evidence.

Here a link to Iran Solidarity, which updates news about and other victims of the Iranian system quickly & regularly.

Here a link to the  site created by Iranian author Azar Nafisi, where you should go and sign the petition

Here a link to an article in Slate by Christopher Beam that explains exactly how such stonings are executed, legal size of stones etcetera.

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1 Response

  1. Stoning executions in general and the Ashtiani case in particular struck such a nerve in me that I wrote the following article: Unfortunately, even though she may not be stoned, she is still scheduled for execution. I hope that sufficient international exposure concerning her case will compel the Iranian government to release her.

    M. Varn Chandola

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