Paris I: Eshleman reads Vallejo

In Paris since Sunday, after two weeks in Luxembourg (more on that on another day). Paris is a walkable feast & so on Tuesday I walked from Saint Germain des Prés, where I stay, over to the right bank to the anglophone bookshop called The Red Wheelbarrow on rue St. Paul for a reading by Clayton Eshleman. The gracious owner of the bookshop, Penelope Le Masson, offered excellent wine all around while close to 20 listeners pressed into her bookshop — many books, little space, but a festive atmosphere. CE opened by reading a few Vallejo poems before moving on to his own work. ( having size limits in terms of videos, I plan on uploading the rest of the videos I shot that evening on a new page on my website.) Ater dinner I walked back to Place St Sulpice — a balmy night, stopped on the Pont Neuf to meditate on the Seine below, trying to see if I could recapture the 19-year-old me who first walked over this bridge on route to youthful adventure in the old Les Halles. Ah, nostalgia…

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