Nomadic and Processual Poetics…

…A Symposium on 5th May 2012

Bangor University (CONTEMPO in collaboration with Aberystwyth University)

A one-day symposium featuring keynote contributions from Pierre Joris and Allen Fisher.

Deadline for abstracts: April 2nd.

A nomadic poetics is … always changing, morphing, moving through languages, cultures, terrains, times without stopping. Refuelling halts are called poases, they last a night or a day, the time of a poem, & then move on. A nomadic poetics needs mindfulness in & of the drift (dérive) – there is no at-homeness here, but only an ever more displaced drifting. For the language to be accurate to the condition of nomadicity, it too has to be drifting, to be always ‘on the way’, as Celan puts it.
Pierre Joris – A Nomad Manifesto

The new works . . . include objects and processes, process-showings and methodologies in a world of multiple possibilities that is . . . complementing the political arena, without being its voice. . . . It is a requirement of this art that . . . the poetry is always ‘yet to be found’ in the process of its making, and that making continues to take place through the physiology of the reader.
Allen Fisher — Topological Shovel, Four Essays

This one-day symposium on Saturday May 5th at Bangor University, is organised by Contempo, the Centre for Contemporary Poetry which is run jointly by Aberystwyth and Bangor Universities.
The symposium will consider the scope and applicability of the ideas of Pierre Joris and Allen Fisher, and related poetics, including issues of translation and place-specific writing, in the light of the archipelagic World-and-UK context of the many ‘devolved voices’ of contemporary poetry.

Confirmed contributors include: Pierre Joris, Allen Fisher, Jean Portante, Zoe Skoulding and Peter Barry.
Suggestions for further twenty-minute talks/papers (followed by discussion) are invited. Please send a 200-word outline of your proposed topic (see below). Attendance is also welcomed from those who wish to come to the symposium and contribute to discussion without presenting a talk/paper.

A poetry reading will take place as part of the symposium

Please send proposals and applications to both e-mail addresses below by April 2nd.

Dr Zoe Skoulding ( and Prof Peter Barry (
For further information about Contempo click here 

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