Narrows Signage

On our walk this morning along the Narrows twixt 69th Street wharf & the Verrazano bridge, this flotsam spotted. You read it without reading it & it seems funny that a ROAD WORK sign somehow winds up on the rocks in the New York Harbor Narrows. You snap it with your iPhone & upload it at home. You look at it closely & what you thought read ROAD WORK has its top word abbreviated as OAD, which is not odd, just a missing initial R, but the second word suddenly doesn’t make sense, isn’t WORK, but with the initial letter hidden by the rock, the rest reads ROW, so it can’t really have meant WORK, at best KROW, WORK spelled backwards, & so maybe the sign didn’t fall off but was discarded for bad spelling? OAD ROW, OAD ROW… how did you wind up in the Narrows? But now Nicole looks over my shoulder, she had also snapped the sign, & she has the solution: it isn’t a reversed WORK it is a too-narrowly trimmed NARROWS. So a ROAD NARROWS sign winds up in the Narrows, and we still don’t know the why of it.

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2 Responses

  1. Poo says:

    I’m thinking you think too much, I think.

  2. billoo says:

    You’re lucky you didn’t find ‘Dead End’ , Pierre! 🙂

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